Your Personalised Homework Service at Bridgewater High School

All-through Academy | Homework Engagement, Distance Learning

Bridgewater High School in Cheshire used Satchel One over lockdown to create a consistent whole school approach to remote learning.

Through the use of Satchel One, they have increased both student and parent engagement and have been able to offer students flexible tools to enhance their learning and organisation.

Download the case study to learn more about how we helped Bridgewater High School increase their engagement and enhance their teaching and learning.

Bridgewater High School Case Study

We made sure that the work for pupils set on Satchel One matched the regular school day exactly. This meant they could use Satchel One to navigate them through their whole day as though they were in school, period by period.

T. Eden

Assistant Headteacher


Find out more about Satchel One

We'd love to show you how Satchel One can work for the individual needs of your school. Fill in the form to schedule a demo or get pricing information and someone from our team will contact you within 1 working day. Alternatively, you can give us a call on 020 7197 9550 option 1.

The demo will involve a 20 minute phone call where one of our product experts will walk you through our tool and answer any of your questions.


Student Assessment Data desktop

Request a demo here